02 Jun

What camping gear should you bring?
One of the important things that makes for a successful camping trip is by equipping yourself with high quality, durable camping gear. Apart from your tent, there are a few other things you should invest:
Sleeping bed
- Just because you are away from home, doesn’t mean you have to compromise on your comfort. Invest in a good sleeping bag, or get yourself an air mattress, and bring your favorite pillow along so it still feels like home.
- Invest in your tent it is worth it. If you are ready to make camping an integral part of your lifestyle, it is essential you get yourself a strong, sturdy tent with enough room to accommodate your needs. Remember to try setting up your tent in your backyard or a park, and check you have all the accessories.
- Don’t forget kitchen essentials or seating options. Most campers take meals along with them, or source their own food options at the place they are camping at. Remember to pack kitchen essentials, cooler box, and furniture to sit outside and take in the view.
- When travelling, packing smart goes a long way. Start with the basics – socks and underwear. Always remember to have spare underwear (two extra ones at least) and wear comfortable socks (with two pairs extra) so that you can walk comfortably for hours. If you get new shoes that need breaking in, remember to do so well before you plan to go camping, to avoid being uncomfortable and in pain. Sunglasses made for the elements are also a great addition to carry along, especially if you’re going to be walking in wide-open areas with no shade.
- Protect against the elements. Most people tend to forget that insects are attracted to light and water and will end up getting inundated by insect bites on their trip – making it a lot less fun. Be prepared for such scenarios by packing some insect repellent and bug-spray. Also, as you will be spending most of your time outdoors, don’t forget to put on plenty of sunscreen, and always carry a travel-sized bottle with you.
- Don’t forget your good hygiene kit. Even though you are away from general civilisation, it is a good idea to keep up with your regular hygiene habits. To that end, don’t forget the usual essentials - toothpaste, spare toilet paper, soap, shampoo and conditioner.
- Make sure you have enough lighting. Apart from having flattering lighting for amazing photos from your trip, it is important to have some good lighting to keep both within your tent and for outside, when using the facilities after dark. Ideally, a lantern that allows you to change its battery pack.
- Determine your best time to come and go. Depending on the time of year, you might find some camping grounds either closed or way too busy. Be proactive by calling ahead or booking online so you have peace of mind.
- It is always good to look up nearby towns and amenities. Camping where there are nearby shops means you can pack lighter and buy the essentials if you need them. If you’re camping on your own for the first time, having a backup plan will make the experience easier. Also remember to check the facilities if you are travelling with children or dogs, it is important to check that the campsite is child- and pet-friendly. Check if your campsite has on-site facilities, as well as access to clean drinking water and shade options - this will greatly influence what you pack, and what you don’t need to.
- Read up on natural surroundings and weather conditions. Changing weather conditions at your destination maybe dangerous. While light rain is a minor inconvenience, knowing that you’re expecting it means you’ll bring along protective rainwear. Similarly, if the area you’re camping in could have natural elements that affect your holiday (such as poisonous plants or small critters), you may want to pad out your first-aid kit a bit.